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公司前台照片.jpg     苏州工业园区宝信物流有限公司是经国家行业主管部门核准注册在苏州工业园区的物流专业公司。公司以国际全新的物流理念为基础,充分发挥物流的四个基本功能,即“运输”、“信息”、“仓储”、和“包装”,以进出口货物的运输为主体,同时开展货运代理、关务代理、转关运输、信息管理、仓储、包装服务及咨询服务。公司具有专业化管理的车队,配置集装箱车、厢式货车等各种车辆。公司与国内外多家港口货代、船代、船公司、航空公司建立业务联系,形成了一个较为完整的物流运输网络。公司拥有一批精通物流业务的专业人员,以及与之配套的硬件设施和软件系统。公司奉行“务实、诚信、高效、快捷”的宗旨,竭诚为广大中外企业提供全方位系统的物流服务。
Suzhou Industrial Park BaoXin Logistics Co.Ltd. is a professional logistic company in SIP ratified by National Authorities. The company is under standard management rules and regulations based on the international logistic principles, give full play to the four basic functions of logistics, which are Transportation, Information, Warehousing and Packaging. The company is not only good at transportation of imported&exported cargoes, but also provide the services such as custom declaration of equipment and materials, air/ocean freight forwarding, transit transportation, information management, warehousing, packaging and other consultative services. The company has a strong transportation team with various kinds of freight trucks including container trucks and compartment-style vehicles, and also has got some famous world ocean lines and airlines. We have built business contracts with domestic and foreign port forwarders, liner agencies, ship-owning companies and airlines. Also, we formed a complete network for logistic transportation. The company has rational inner structure organization with all kinds of professional personnel and communication system. All the employees have good education and strict professional training, and can operate business quickly and correctly. 
Taking "Integrity, Reliability, Effectivity and Speedy" as its guiding principles, the company is willing to sincerely provide logistics services for the domestic and foreign enterprises in Suzhou.